On the official Twitter account for the manga written and illustrated by Miki Yoshikawa, Kakkou no Iinazuke, it was announced that the first compilation volume has already entered its third reprint just three weeks after its release. According to the manga editor, this is somewhat unusual and reflects the excellent reception of the work by the public.
Yoshikawa published the manga within a set of three one-shots in early 2019, for fans to decide which of those three projects would become serialized. Later and after being the winner, Yoshikawa began publishing the manga in the magazine. Weekly Shonen Magazine from the publisher Kodansha in January 2020. The publisher published the first compilation volume on May 15.
The author is recognized for having written the manga. Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo, which was published in the same magazine between February 2012 and February 2017. The publisher Kodansha compiled the work into a total of 28 volumes and the manga inspired a twelve-episode anime directed by Tomoki Takuno in the studios Liden Films and released in April 2015.
Synopsis of Kakkou no Iinazuke
Nagi Umino, a sophomore at a prestigious high school, discovers that at birth he was wrongly released to another family by the hospital. One day, when he was on his way to meet his biological parents, he runs into Erika Amano, a strange girl who tries to escape from the marriage arranged by her parents. But Nagi and Erika discover that they have much more in common than they imagine!
Source: @wmagacuckoo
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