In the eighth compilation volume of the manga from Kazutaka and illustrated by Kai Tomohiro, Fate lover It turned out that the sequel was also titled Fate loverforms the last arch of the series.
The sequel was posted in the application on April 18th Magazine pouch from the publisher Kodansha. Though this new manga was labeled the same (in its appearance), it restarted the volume count, with the first (the eighth overall) released on August 5th.
Kazutaka and Tomohiro started publishing the manga on Magazine Pocket App in February 2018. Kodansha Verlag published the seventh compiled volume on March 6th. In March 2019, the piece made a fake anime adaptation advertisement.
Destiny Lovers Synopsis
Long ago, Fujishiro Kousuke made a pledge to love his childhood friend, Sayaka-chan. But his promise to keep his virginity for her takes an unexpected turn when he is kidnapped and locked in a secret prison actually run by a beautiful but scary woman in a fetish costume.
His seductive captives claim there is an ulterior motive, but they only stand behind one thing: Kousuke's virginity, and they are willing to employ any strategy to achieve it. Who are these women and why are they so interested in breaking the promise between Kousuke and Sayaka-chan?
Source: ANN
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