My Hero Academia Chapter 280 unexpectedly brought two students from 1-A to the center of attention. Eijiro Kirishima is Mina Ashido. With an interesting reference to the manga's publication number 144, the chapter in question showed the big change in the two emerging heroes, for better or for worse.

The previous chapter had ended with Gigantomachy, which was now turned off, blocked by Mount Lady, and now ready to be finally knocked out thanks to a Ampoule of sleeping pill Mina should have given him. On the first pages of chapter 280, the girl starts the attack with Acidman, a super movement that allows her to cover her body with acid and become invulnerable. However, shortly before completing his task, he crashes.

The heroine actually has a flashback that not everyone will remember going back to an ancient chapter about Kirishima. In the episode in question, Mina managed to save two girls from the wrath of an undercover creature who later turns out to be Gigantomachia. The girl realizes that if she had been stronger or managed to warn a Pro Hero, the clash with the villains could have been avoided. Shocked by what happened The girl becomes paralyzedand is saved at the last moment by Kirishima, who could not intervene years ago.

In the current narrative arc, the Pro Heroes rely heavily on the help of the trainees, especially those from 1-A and 1-B. The boys stay, however, only budding heroesand it's perfectly normal for episodes like this to occur. To see what impact these events will have on heroin, we will have to wait for the next chapter in just under two weeks.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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