The cover of the eighth and final compilation volume of the manga written and illustrated by Hachi, Majo no Kaigashuu. This volume will be put on sale on June 4.
This volume will feature an epilogue story that will unfold after the events at the end of the manga. Additionally, it was reported that important announcements will be given in the coming dates.
Hachi began publishing the manga in the magazine Jump SQ from the publisher Shueisha in November 2017 until January 2020, when he was transferred to the website Shonen Jump Plus. The publisher published the seventh compilation volume on February 9. The manga ended at the beginning of this month.
Synopsis of Majo no Kaigashuu
An orphan girl named Aisya has obtained the incredible ability to create miraculous paintings using her blood. She and her best friend, Loki, have a great time together despite Aisya’s health deteriorating. However, Loki discovers that he is just another of Aisya’s drawings when he tries to save her one night from an assailant. Aisya then sends him off in search of her paintings to destroy her curse, and to save the affected people. Can Loki overcome his hatred of humans to fulfill Aisya’s wish?
Source: @WSJ_manga
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