After dominating the spring season with the debut of the animated adaptation, Spy x family he gives himself an encore. The community is madly in love with the Forger family founded by Tatsuya Endo, and both the manga and anime are flying to the top of the charts.

In early October, the Spy x Family anime returned with its second cour. The premiere registered according to the analyzed data plays 9.93 million viewers, which draws 20% more viewers than the last midseason episode. The incredible success of the anime series obviously has an impact on the manga, whose sales are increasing at a fast rate.

On Twitter is thePublisher of Shueisha Shihei Lin celebrated the latest sales record broken by Spy x Family. Between physical and digital, the Spy x Family manga has something to offer overall 26.5 million copies distributed worldwide. Of these, over ten were released after the anime series aired. The most incredible data is that in just one year, 2021, Spy x Family has doubled its numbers, recording a 112% increase. Spy x Family’s success is also thanks to a brilliant cosplay like Anya’s.

At the moment, a total of ten volumes of the manga are being distributed, and considering that the second cour of the anime has just started, it’s easy to imagine Soon Spy x Family will reach 30 million copies distributed. At the end of the article is an infographic highlighting the sales development of Tatsuya Endo’s manga.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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