Released in August 2019, the light novel Sasuke Retsuden was a huge hit with fans of Naruto, to the point of convincing Shueisha and the writers in a manga adaptation. The first chapter was released on October 22, 2022 on the MangaPlus platform and achieved an incredible result in less than twenty-four hours.
Seven months after the announcement of Shingo Kimura’s manga series, the first part of the Sasuke’s mission in the mysterious land of Redaku In order to understand as much as possible about Naruto’s illness and search for a possible cure, she managed to position herself in the top 10 most read series on MangaPlus. Promising data had already been collected in @Abdul_S17’s post reported below, which saw the first chapter of Sasuke Retsuden ranked ninth with 248,000 views.
Currently, Sasuke Retsuden: the Uchiha spouses and the starry sky has managed to overcome even DanDanDan and thus achieve theEighth place in the most read series, and dangerously approaching Spy x Family views, with 307,832 readings accumulated in thirty hours of publication. Did you read the first chapter in the series? Tell us what you think in the comments.
Finally, let us remind you of that the next chapter of Sasuke Retsuden will be released on November 5, 2022 on MangaPlus and we leave you our special dedicated to the evolution of Sasuke throughout the series.