The devastating confrontation between Bakugo and the weapon that has now become Tomura Shigaraki has entered a new phase in the final chapters of My hero academy. Threatened by the Yuei Big Three and especially by the provocations of Mirio, the villain also seems to have to deal with memories from the past.

Justified “anomalyβ€œChapter 361, available now on Manga Plus, begins with a small Shimura surrounded by dozens of hands, which later became the symbol of his original design as a villain. When I think back to Mirio’s words Shigaraki remembers two of his old friendsMi-kun and Tomo-chan explode against Yuei’s top students again.

In the chaos created by this power, Mirio notices how much more resilient Shigaraki’s physical body is than the tentacles he fights with. In what seemed like an inner struggle, the new version of Shigaraki merged with the senses of All For One the presence of little Shimuranot yet gone from the villain’s mind, an anomaly in the main antagonist’s plans.

Shigaraki also understands that the three Yuei are trying to buy time by waiting for Midoriya’s arrival on the battlefield, prepared ad hoc by everyone to stem the destruction of Shigaraki himself. In a quick succession of reminiscences, readers relive how Mirio, Hado, and Tamaki met, and in a spectacular concluding chart, we witness one of the most devastating attacks seen in the final act: the extraordinary combination of the power of Tamaki and Nejire.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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