On the official page for the manga series, written and illustrated by Nyoijizai, Harukana receivingIt has been announced that the tenth and final compiled volume of the manga will be released in Japan on October 12th.
For his part, Nyoijizai began publishing the manga in the magazine in October 2015 Manga Time Kirara forward from the publisher Houbunsha in October 2015 and is still being published. The publisher published the ninth compilation volume on March 12th.
The piece inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. C2C, Headed by Toshiyuki Kubooka and scripts from Touko machida, published July 2018.
Additionally, on August 1st, the author started publishing a new manga entitled Silberpol flowersthrough the application Magazine pouch from the publisher Kodansha. The work focuses on the activity of pole dance.
Harukana Synopsis received
The story takes place in Okinawa, where Haruka forms a beach volleyball pair with Kanata. Kanata, unable to bear the pressure she felt from her small stature, had already given up beach volleyball, but Haruka convinced her to step back in the sand and aim for the junior tournament.
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