In November 2021, Doron Dororon, a promising one, made his Manga Plus debut Shonen signed by Gen Osuka. Not even a year after its debut, the manga series has already reached its sad end.
With only 36 released, one of the series on which shueisha Greater hope of success comes to an end. The protagonists of the opera, Dora Sasaki and colleague Mononoke Kusanagi, have greeted the readers in the 39th annual issue of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. In light of this farewell, two new series will debut on Jump.
That Osuka's manga potential was quite high, but ultimately it turned out to be a hole in the water. The author sped up time, solving in a few pages battles or parts of the plot that would have taken at least three or four chapters in other works. The final battle was also decided quickly and without much closing time.
The reason why Osuka had to accelerate is clear. there Series has not found its rightful place Under today's Shonen and not being able to obtain the required and hoped-for figures, the publisher preferred to entrust this place to other works. Also due to these mistakes, Shueisha has recorded heavy losses in recent financial reports.
Gen Osuka's "Doron Dororon" concludes in the upcoming Weekly Shounen Jump issue 39/2022, due out on August 29, 2022
- Manga Mogura RE (@MangaMoguraRE) August 23, 2022