The manga from Naruto – as well as the anime Naruto: Shippuden – ended the ninja war unleashed by Tobis Akatsuki and the clash between the protagonist and Sasuke, his rival and friend of all times. However, the finale was dedicated to the adult protagonists aged 30 and over with their grown families and careers.
The new generations of Konoha were born with Boruto, Sarada and the other youngsters, children of these ninjas that we have known very well over the years of release. Naruto married Hinata, but how did that happen? He thought about it as he told it Naruto the lastthe film that takes place a few years after the events of the Fourth Great Ninja War and that shows the beginnings of Naruto and Hinata’s relationship.
Hinata, who is now nineteen, always sees Naruto surrounded by girls as she has become a hero of the ninja community. However, events will lead her to save Hanabi along with her lover and something more will flourish during this dangerous mission between the two. Let’s remember this version of Adult Hinata with this cosplay created by Enji Night, dedicated to Naruto the Last. There is reason to understand from these photos how she managed to meet the blonde ninja.
And to stay within the family, here is a drawing of the Uzumaki family made by Masashi Kishimoto.
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