Sailor Moon is an icon of the manga and anime world, which was one of the leading products on television around the world in the 1990s and early 2000s. The female protagonist helped many young viewers find a heroine to relate to, unlike other anime like Dragon Ball that gave space to the male world.
It is therefore not surprising that nowadays there are several cosplayers who create themed disguises and show themselves at various fairs with the power of the moon in sight, even in the United States, considering that the pilot of the lost series was never made. Of course, among these cosplayers there are also important personalities who grew up with this anime. Sailor Moon also met Paris Hiltonas can be seen very clearly in the photo recently posted on the Instagram page of the famous heiress.
That shows the released album Sailor Moon cosplay is obviously very different than usual, because Paris Hilton decided to hugely modify the famous sailor costume with lots of exposed skin on the stomach and a shiny white suit. Skirt, gloves and boots are also subject to several changes and in general there is one very different and adult tone in this Sailor Moon cosplay by Paris Hilton. What do you think?
Who modified the costume is the creator of this Sailor Moon x Moon Knight cosplay.
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