As surely you all know very well, the arrival of COVID-19 and the consequent quarantine has led to severe consequences in the global market, with violent effects in every industry, including that of anime and manga, which has seen the presence of numerous and obvious difficulties.
There have been many postponed series or canceled events, and only recently is it slowly returning to a semblance of normality, with the works that are gradually recovering against all those brands that had seen the presence of several more or less harmful slowdowns . In fact, many teams have confirmed the resumption of work on their projects and just recently interesting news related to Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS.
Through the official website dedicated to production, it was in fact announced when the awaited animated series will resume with its programming. Going into more detail, it has been confirmed that the new episode of the work – the tenth, to be precise – will be broadcast on August 8, a news that will most likely make the happiness of many fans who have been waiting for news about it for months.
Before saying goodbye, we also remind you that in recent days a cosplayer has conquered the public with a splendid Yu-Gi-Oh! Themed cosplay. is dedicated to the Young Black Magician.