He returned in early October 2022 My Hero Academy, one of the most successful animes of recent years. Born on Weekly Shonen Jump in 2014, the manga has been transformed by Studio Bones, which has given animations to these characters that are proposed year after year on Japanese channels and beyond.
The adventures of the heroes of My Hero Academia come back with different episodes every year and the same goes for this year. Programmed with 2 courses, i.e. two sessions of 12/13 episodes each, My hero academia season 6 has already assured fans that it will be some time yet. But now the broadcast is halfway through its natural cycle and on hiatus for the holiday season. My Hero Academia 6x13 with the final appearance of a character was the last of 2022. Episode 127 will therefore open up further scenarios from next year.
When will My Hero Academia season 6 return?? The return is already planned: the fourteenth episode of the series will debut directly in 2023, skipping the release on Saturday, December 31st. a little more precise, My Hero Academia 6x14 will be released on January 7th, 2023 with one episode titled "Hell Hell". With the end of the war, it is the first moment of peace for the protagonists, who, however, cannot remain idle given the heavy losses and the situation that has become even worse.
So it will be necessary to lick the wounds and get back on track to give society hope for the future. Now that the villains have free reign, they will open up 12 more episodes of My Hero Academia entirely focused on a different kind of war that will follow viewers through to its conclusion, scheduled for late March 2023.