Based on the hit manga by Makoto Yukimura, Vinland saga is about to return with a second anime season. In anticipation of its early New Year release, Studio MAPPA has released an exclusive trailer that previews the initials of this appointment.
Among the most anticipated Crunchyrolls Winter 2023 animes will also be there Vinland saga season 2, coming out on January 9th. WIT Studio will not be producing this season as the animation studio has been replaced by MAP study. In the new anime trailer that you can find at the top of the article, we can give a taste of MAPPA's work and meet the protagonists of the work on the Vikings.
Despite the studio change, work on Vinland Saga 2 continues Staff responsible for the first season. The stylistic differences are therefore minimal, with Shuehei Yabuta still directing and Hiroshi Seko in charge of the scripts. In any case, the new Vinland Saga 2 promotional film will reveal the anime's initials. The ending theme "Without Love" was composed by LMYK.
defeated his enemy, Thorfinn has lost his purpose in life. However, meeting a slave gives him an opportunity to face his sins and continue the journey as a warrior in Denmark.