The manga written and illustrated by Atsushi Uchiyama, Sekai ka Kanojo ka Erabenai, will publish its final chapter in this year's ninth edition of the magazine Bessatsu Shonen Magazine from the publisher Kodansha, next August 7.

Uchiyama began publication of the manga in the magazine Bessatsu Shonen Magazine from the publisher Kodansha in the month of April 2017. The publisher published the seventh compilation volume on February 7 and published the eighth volume today in Japan.

Uchiyama is also the author of the manga Seifuku!, published between November 2011 and February 2014, with a total of four published compilation volumes.

Synopsis of Sekai ka Kanojo ka Erabenai

One day, Kouki Nakagawa was determined to declare his love to Ayumi Fujisaki, his childhood friend. Suddenly, a mysterious girl appears before them and mentions that she is Kouki's girlfriend, leaving them both shocked. After trying to talk to Ayumi again, Kouki confesses her love.

However, Jindou, the mysterious girl, appears to warn Kouki that if he does not give up on Ayumi and forgets to become her partner ... the world will be destroyed!

© 内 山 敦 司 / 別 冊 少年 マ ガ ジ ン KODANSHA


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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