Following the release of the thirty-second teaser trailer, which was released last week, a four-and-a-half-minute short film titled was released XPICE, an original anime series from the division XFLAG, last July 15th. It is the first new collaboration project launched by internal and external developers and artists.

The animation contains the title song “SPICE”, a new song by the four-member Japanese band. SCANDALbased on your concept. In the video, the band members also inspired some characters.

XPICE summary

Kokyo, a city full of people with many areas of life and the main target of the mysterious Zerogram group. But Red Pepper and Wasabi, an XPICE superhero league duo, won’t sit idle by. Red Pepper’s blows deal with the bad guys, while Wasabi’s healing touch takes care of the wounded.

Things seem to be going well on the surface, but deep down, wasabi can’t help but feel like it takes more to be a true hero. One day the emergency alarm goes off, Red Pepper is in trouble! Though not sure of her options, Wasabi helps her partner to see herself at risk of finding the courage to face the occasion.

Source: Official Twitter account

Β© 2020 XFLAG


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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