Now in its second season, the anime of The Rise of the Shield Herobased on the series of light novels written by Aneko Yusagi, continues to establish itself in the extensive Isekai catalog of the industry, also thanks to the construction of the characters and the development of the team of the protagonist Iwatani of the opening theme, praised by the authors.

That Japanese group of MADKID He oversaw the opening of the anime and made singles that are hugely popular and still get millions of views, and the five members of the band seem to have been very impressed with some moments in season two.

According to the five singers, the most representative and important scene of the second season is the moment when Naofumi introduces himself to the leaders of other countries. A sequence that symbolizes the revenge of the protagonist, no longer alone and finally accepted by everyone. Kevin Perkin, composer of the series, also wanted to give his opinion on the development of the music sector in the second season due to the development of the relationship between the main characters.

"Usually there's something that a normal person would call 'club bangers,' and that's what I wanted for season two."this was one of Perkins' goals estimated in the "Twins', the text of which he also edited. Finally, we leave you with the producer's revelations on The Rising of the Shield Hero's production challenges.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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