In the third episode of the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo, SPY x FAMILYfinally, the final sequence of the project was shown, in which the musical theme “Kigeki” was performed General Hoshino. The sequence surprised not only with the melodious song, but also with the fact that the legendary animator was involved Atsushi Nishigori.

Nishigori is a legendary Japanese animator known for his participation in projects such as Kimi no Nawa (Your name), Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and film project Rebuilding Evangelion. This big name in the anime industry was involved in nothing more and nothing less than directing the animation and creating the storyboards for the ending sequence that was produced at the studios. CloverWorks.

Nishigori himself shared a special illustration celebrating his participation in the above sequence, as well as a snippet of the sketch:


The studies CloverWorkswhere this sequence was produced also shared a variety of sketch boards:

Next, Yuichi FukushimaAnimation producer in the studios CloverWorksalso posted a snippet of the skit celebrating the production of the final sequence:

The first part of the series, which includes the first twelve episodes, has been broadcast in Japan since April 9, while the platform crispy roll is responsible for sales in the West and is also expecting a dubbing into Latin Spanish. For his part, Tatsuya started publishing the manga through the website Shōnen Jump Plus from the publisher shueisha in March 2019.

Summary for SPY x FAMILY

Known as “Twilight”, no job is too high for the agent when it comes to peace. As the master spy of Westalis, Twilight works tirelessly to prevent extremists from unleashing a war with neighboring Ostania. For his latest mission, he must investigate Ostanian politician Donovan Desmond by infiltrating his son’s school, the prestigious Eden Academy. The agent is thus faced with the most difficult task of his career: getting married, having children and playing family.

Twilight, or “Loid Forger,” quickly adopts humble orphan Anya to play the role of a six-year-old daughter and prospective student at Eden Academy. As a wife, she meets Yor Briar, a absent-minded office worker who needs a fake partner to impress her friends. However, Loid is not the only one with a hidden nature. Yor is actually the deadly assassin “Thorn Princess” and for her, marrying Loid is the perfect cover. Meanwhile, Anya isn’t the ordinary girl she seems; She is an esper, the product of secret experiments that allow her to read minds. Despite discovering her true identity, Anya is thrilled that her new parents are genius secret agents! Of course she would never tell them. That would spoil the fun.

Source: Official Twitter account


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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