The platforms Netflix updated its content catalog and confirmed that the anime adaptation of the manga was written by daisuke satou and illustrated by Shouji Sato, High school of the deadwill leave the catalog of Netflix in Latin America on April 1st. the OVA, High School of the Dead: Drifters of the Deadare also removed from the relevant catalogue.
daisuke satou and Shouji Sato They started publishing the manga through the magazine Age of Dragon Comics from the publisher Kadokawa in September 2006. Work was paused between 2008 and 2010, but after March 2011 only one chapter was published in April 2013. Later, after the author's death, the series remained unfinished daisuke satou in March 2017 and left the factory with seven compilation volumes.
The play inspired a studios-produced 12-episode anime adaptation. crazy houseLed by Tetsurou Araki and with scripts written by Yusuke Kurodareleased in July 2010. Both Netflix, HIDE and Amazon Prime Video they retain distribution rights in the West.
Synopsis for High School of the Dead
It happened suddenly: the dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. When these monsters start terrorizing a high school, Takashi Kimuro is forced to kill his best friend when he is bitten and joins the ranks of the undead. Vowing to protect Rei Miyamoto, the girlfriend of the man he just executed, they narrowly escape the high school death trap, only to find a society that has already fallen.
Soon, Takashi and Rei join other students in finding their relatives and discovering the cause of this overwhelming pandemic. They are joined by Saeko Busujima, the beautiful president of the Kendo Club; Kouta Hirano, an otaku with a gun fetish; Saya Takagi, the daughter of an influential politician; and Shizuka Marikawa, the sexy nurse at his school. But will the combined strength of these individuals be enough to defeat this undead apocalypse?
Source: Netflix
© DAISUKE SATO / SHOUJI SATO © 2010 Fujimishobo