On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written by Yuto Yotsuba and illustrated by Ryou Ogawa, paripi koumei (Ya boy Kongming!) the second promotional video of the project was released. The video shows a snippet of the opening theme titled “Chikichiki Banban' and performed by the musical unit queenformed by Hibiki Y mocha from lol, Akin and Taki from NOT CORRECT Y Maria Kaneya from GENICAL.
The series is set to premiere in Japan on April 5, while no platform has yet announced its distribution in the West. On the other hand, Yotsuba started publishing the manga through the digital service Comic Days in December 2019, while the publisher Kodansha released the sixth compilation volume on July 14, followed by the seventh on November 18 in Japan.
voice output
- Kaede Hondo as Eiko Tsukumi.
- Ryoutarou Okiayu as Zhuge Kongming.
- Shouya Chiba like Kabe Taito.
- Hibiku Yamamura as Nanami Kuon.
- June Fukushima as the owner Kobayashi.
production team
- osamu honma (Amanchu!, Ayakashi - Samurai Horror Tales, Kedama no Gonjiro, SHIMONETA: A boring world where the concept of dirty jokes doesn't exist) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios PAWORKS.
- Yoko Yonaiyama is responsible for writing and supervising the scripts.
- Kanami Sekiguchi (Kanaan, Charlotte, Hanasaku Iroha, Sakura Quest, Shirobako) is responsible for character design and animation direction.
- Genki Hikota (Lapis Re: Lights, Yuri!!! ice cream) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.
- the music unit queen leads the opening theme entitled "Chikichiki Banban", while Eiko Tsukumi with 96Neko leads the closing theme entitled "kibun jojou (I'm super pumped)".
Summary for Paripi Koumei
Kongming (Zhuge Liang), General of the Three Kingdoms, had fought all his life and faced countless battles that made him the accomplished strategist that he was. Therefore, on his deathbed, he wished only to be reborn in a peaceful world... and was sent straight to the center of the modern party, Tokyo! Will even a brilliant Chinese strategist like Kongming (Zhuge Liang) get used to the wild beats and even wilder party-goers?
Fountain: Weird Natalie