On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Tamami Katsura, Otona nya Koi no Shikata ga Wakaranee! (also titled as Sex Gobusata, Sotsugyou Shimasu) It has been confirmed that the series will have a total of eight episodes.
The censored version was released on the channel Tokyo MX last October 4th, while the uncensored edition airs on the website of ComicFesta Anime from the same day. For his part, Katsura published the manga digitally under the name Sex Gobusata, Sotsugyou Shimasuand later the publisher Suiseisha began to publish it under the name Otona nya Koi no Shikata ga Wakaranee!. The publisher published the third compilation volume on October 18.
- Kento itou (normal version) and Chasuke (explicit version) as Shuji Majima.
- Kaede Yuasa (normal version) and Yuzu-Hachimitsu (explicit version) as Mio Sudou.
- Shinichiro Kamio (normal version) e Ichiya Koi (explicit version) as Koutarou Tokura.
- Mashiro Kazahana as Ai Kawamoto.
Production team
- Hiroyuki Furukawa ((Hajimete no Gal, Erz ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja nai, Okusama ga Seitokaichou!) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Ether kitten.
- Nora Mori ((Peter Grill on Kenja no Jikan) is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.
- To-Ru Zekku is responsible for the character design and the direction of animation.
Synopsis of Otona nya Koi no Shikata ga Wakaranee!
The romantic comedy story revolves around two people, both in their thirties. Mio Sudou is an office worker who hasn't had a boyfriend in five years and has already forgotten what love feels like. On the other hand, Shuji Majima is a very handsome business consultant who, despite his perfect looks, hasn't had a girlfriend in seven years.
Mio meets Shuji at a homecoming party, but finds him disgusting when he tells her, "I don't like women." However, a provocative comment from Mio takes things in an unexpected direction.
Source: Cococheek
(c) Su タ マ Su / Suiseisha Inc.