Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Episode 14 aired for the first time yesterday, Saturday, July 18, and fans from around the world were absolutely impressed with the creepy animations from the guys from A-1 Pictures, probably the best we have seen this year.
After returning, which was accompanied by great controversy over a particular scene shown in episode 13, A-1 Pictures took revenge with an episode with attention to the smallest detail that showed the return of many characters loved by fans the long awaited battle between Captain Bercouli and the Emperor Vector.
This last fight in particular literally ignited social media, and as you can see below, fans haven't spared the compliments. Bercouli used his icon for this challenge Time sword to deceive the opponent, accuse a series of fatal blows, but manage at the last moment Take the decisive blow by eliminating the opponent.
Of course, the antagonist Gabriel Miller can always return to the underworld with a different avatar, but the victim of the swordsman ultimately led to Alice's release.
And what do you think about it? Did you like the episode? Let us know by leaving a comment in the box below!
SAO got away with the animation this week
- Nelajus💚 / Zezha💜 (@jalen_nelaj), July 18, 2020
BERCOULI THE GOAT pic.twitter.com/pxEJ4FOVyw
Bercoulli VS Vecta = Epic pic.twitter.com/PCYWy8vsKP
- Hikky (@ WalkingArrow01), July 11, 2020
WTF this arc from #sao_anime turns out to be pretty good ...
- Sumedh Bengale (@SumedhBengale), July 18, 2020
Bercoulli went out as CHAD. pic.twitter.com/yBszfz1s6a
Yes, that was the best animated SAO fight ever. Bercouli is the goat pic.twitter.com/KODg4EzhvT
- Bmoe (@weebmoe), July 19, 2020
This episode was so damn good. Especially the fight between Bercouli and Vector. My husband Bercouli is a damn monster and I love it. On the other hand, Gabriel ended up with a damn creepy face.
And Alice's crying destroys my heart to pieces 😭
I can't wait for the next episode! #Sao_anime pic.twitter.com/cBZPmSuxzi- SA ナ ナ コ @ ユ キ #SAOAnimeOfTheSummer (@yunanako_kty) July 18, 2020