The anime adaptation of Super Dragonball Heroes has allowed fans to meet characters that, while not canon, have great narrative potential. After Hearts, Cumber, and Fu, Demigra is the latest major antagonist to make his debut.

The current Super Dragon Ball Heroes story arc has brought the Z Warriors into participating in a deadly tournament organized by aios, the former Kaioshin of Time who took Chronoa hostage. After facing off against the fearsome Warriors in Black, Goku prepares to battle Aios in the fifth episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes’ Ultra God Mission. However, in the final moments of the episode, a mysterious character lurks in the shadows.

In the anime promo inspired by the arcade video game of the same name makes its debut Demigra, an antagonist that Dragon Ball Xenoverse players already know very well. By killing Mechikabura, Demigra intends to gain the power to destroy history and create a new one where he rules as the god of time instead of Chronoa.

Arrogant, cunning and confident, he waited 75 years in the cracks of time before making his menacing appearance. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse the demon king is confronted by the Time Patrol. Her debut in the non-canon anime series promises to spark sparks given her immense strength. Here the two new Super Dragon Ball Heroes Super Saiyan 4 are waiting for this future scream battle.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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