As we mentioned a few days ago, the eighth installment of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission was released on April 13th. The struggle for space-time that characterizes this narrative arc of the non-canon work produced by TOEI Animation continues Goku and Vegeta resort to fusion via Potara.
The main antagonist of the latest installments of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission is Demigra, the dark god who has awakened some dark opponents like Syn Shenron or Cell. The episode titled "A Fusion That Transcends Spacetime! The Fist of Justice Destroying Evil!" begins with Demigra, who awakens new dark forces gaining an even more powerful form than before.
Goku is exhausted now, but for protect time Kaioshin Chronoa Go all out by jumping into battle. However, not even his Super Saiyan Blue can do anything against an opponent with such destructive power.
Vegeta's arrival on the battlefield allows Chronoa to devise a new strategy. Chronoa asks ex-Time Kaioshin Aeos to buy a few minutes and allows a Goku and Vegeta merge via the Potara earrings. Vegetto returns to the fight and, in Super Saiyan Blue form, begins the battle that will result in Demigra's ultimate defeat.