Sunrise, the Japanese animation studio producer of Gintama, Gundam, Cowboy Bebop and dozens of other souls famous all over the world, recently ended up in the eye of the storm due to the words spoken last morning by the voice actress Yurina Hase, vented during a live stream.
Shortly before the start of the live, the actress had anticipated on Twitter that she would “explain how she really felt” and that she was willing to “definitively close that chapter of her life”. Many fans, worried, connected to hear the voice actress’s words, which she revealed of have had a less than normal casting experience.
The actress’ statement is as follows: “I had applied to get a role in an anime produced by Studio Sunrise. Immediately after the test they started asking me about sexual favors, making me understand that I would have obtained the place if I had satisfied them. I refused and went away. The next day they called me back and said I hadn’t gotten the role“. Hase didn’t stop there, also denouncing the behavior of several male voice actors:”It often happens that younger people think they can do what they want, and it is not uncommon for them to try to reach out to the voice actors.“. At the top of the article you can take a look at the piece in question, unfortunately only available in Japanese.
Sunrise has decided not to respond to the charges but, given the insistence of the fans, the upper floors will find themselves presumably forced to publish a statement in the coming days. If what the voice actress really said was true, there would be a lot of legal trouble for the study but obviously, before pointing the finger, we will have to wait for the investigations to run their course.
And what do you think of it? Let us know with a comment! Meanwhile, we take this opportunity to remind you that Sunrise is currently working on Gundam Build Divers Re: Rise 2 and the highly anticipated My Hero Academia 5, produced together with the guys from Studio Bones.