In recent months, the arrival of the Star Wars: The High Republic novels in Italy has been announced Lucasfilm He also announced that he was already working on the sequel to the Charles Soule novel.
The website has announced the release date of the second High Republic novel to the numerous fans of the George Lucas universe written by Cavan Scott It is entitled “Star Wars: The High Republic: The Rising Storm“The entertainment giant has also announced that it won’t be a sequel to the events we see on the pages of”Star Wars: Light of the Jedi“but we will discuss other details of the clash between the protagonists Jedi Knights and their opponents Nihil pirates.
Here is the comment from the author of the novel: “Writing a Star Wars book is always an honor, and it was the same here, too. It is a responsibility that I always take seriously, especially with the introduction of a new era, that of the High Republic. In The Rising Storm we will see how the nihil society will evolve after we meet them in the first novel and the other works. To face them we will find the new Jedi Stellan Gios and the Padawan Bell Zettifar along with a new character, the mercenary Ty Yorrik, a person who amused me very much when I received him“.
I look forward to knowing that Italian publication date of the novelWe point out the first drafts of Star Wars: The High Republic.