The summer break of the anime does not detract from the success Spy x family, which reaches a new incredible milestone on social networks. The adaptation's official Twitter celebrates hitting one million followers with adorable gorgeous artwork created by character designer Kazuaki Shimada.

Even before the anime debuted in April 2022, Spy x Family was already being called a sure hit. The Exciting Ride of Anya and the Forger family has convinced the community, which is now celebrating the production of WIT Studio and CloverWorks despite the break.

The second Spy x Family cour returns in October, but while waiting to see the protagonists of the spy comedy in action, the audience will once again decide the success of the work. The production's official Twitter page touched on the incredible share 1 million followers and a special illustration was created to celebrate the event.

L'Artwork by Shimada, portrays Anya Forger, the cute telepathic kid who made audiences laugh so hard with her meme faces while reaching out to her fans virtually. As you can see from the second tweet at the bottom, the anime site recently celebrated half a million followers. This is another confirmation of Spy x Family's incredible success in Japan and the rest of the world.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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