One of the most controversial and cherished stories about the immense panorama of the adventures of Spider Man It is hands down the Clone saga that caused a lot of trouble for Peter Parker in the 90s, and Marvel Comics seems to have plans to disrupt the life of Miles Morales in much the same way as the new trailer shows.
However, it appears from the images shown that Miles will have Peter by his side, who could certainly help the young superhero better understand the cause of these particular events after going through them personally in the past. They are essentially shown in the trailer four variants by Miles Moralesand the event is confirmed to begin in April with Volume 25 of the series dedicated to Miles.
Also recently in an interview with IGN, the screenwriter Saladin Ahmed, extremely excited about the project, commented: “Part of the magic of telling Marvel stories isn’t just feeling like these characters are in the same universe, they exist across generations. Place a new superhero in the same situations as a now legendary superheroasked us what makes Miles “Miles” and what really makes him Spider-Man. “
We remind you that from June onwards, special covers will be released dedicated to the great Spidey villains and we let you follow the story of Ned Leeds.