On the official site for the animated adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Soumatou, Shadow housethe first promotional video of the project was released. The video shows the production team and confirms that the series has dated its premiere in 2021.
On the other hand, Soumatou publishes the manga in the magazine Weekly young jump from the publisher Shueisha since September 2018. The publisher published the fifth compilation volume on June 19 and the sixth on October 16 in Japan. The piece had already hinted at an anime adaptation since an internet domain registration was made earlier this month.
Production team
- Kazuki ohashi ((Digimon Adventure: Final Evolution Kizuna, Fairy Tail: Dragon Scream, Tsukimonogatari ) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Cloverworks.
- Toshiya Ono ((86: Eighty-six, Gatchaman crowds, Houseki no kuni) is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.
- Chizuko Kusakabe ((Pumpkin scissors, Trouble chocolate) is responsible for the character design.
- Kenichiro Suehiro ((Hataraku Saibou, Firepower, Golden Kamuy) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.
Synopsis of Shadows House
They live in a strange western style mansion, a faceless shadow house and the “living dolls” who take care of them. What is the mysterious life they share and what are the real bonds that hold them together?
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