Anticipation for the anime adaptation of Masamichi Sato's "Quality Assurance in Another World" (Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru) has been met with an unexpected delay, shifting its debut to Summer-2024 (July-September).
Initially slated for a Spring-2024 (April-June) release, the shift remains unexplained. Yet, Kei Umabiki, the series' director, clarified via Twitter that the delay stems from broadcast scheduling conflicts, not production setbacks.
Since May 2020, Masamichi Sato has serialized the manga on Comic Days, a digital platform by publisher Kodansha. Sato is also known for "Iron Buddy," serialized in Kodansha's Morning magazine from July 2016 to March 2017.
Cast & Crew Highlights
Voice Actors
- Kaito Ishikawa voices Haga.
- Hinaki Yano voices Nikola.
Production Team
- Kei Umabiki, known for works like Mairimashita! Iruma-kun, leads the direction at 100Studio and Studio Palette.
- Shougo Yasukawa oversees the script, bringing experience from titles such as Shokugeki no Souma.
- Shigeo Akahori spearheads character design and animation direction, with a portfolio including Shuumatsu no Valkyrie.
Synopsis Peek
Nikola's life as an innkeeper's daughter in her quaint village takes a dramatic turn when dragons descend. Her path crosses with Haga, a scholar from the prestigious "Seeker" society, dedicated to curing the world's maladies. As they journey together, they uncover secrets that could alter the fabric of their reality.
Source: Comic Natalie