Unfortunately, 2020 was a terrible year for many and hopes for happier times Pokémon The company will partner with the International Space Station to enable pocket creature fans to watch the first sunrise of 2021 from space.
There are many stories and theories from fans exploring the origins of the franchise creatures outside of planet earth. We can remember Pokémon Staryu and Starmie, whose description of the latter in the Pokédex of the FireRed version of the game reads “People believe it is an alien creature” or legend Deoxys, apparently born from the DNA mutation of an alien virus, and also the Mighty in the latest video game series entitled Pokémon Sword and Shield Eternatusthat came to Earth thousands of years ago when a meteorite hit. This creature was recently encountered and captured by Ash and Goh in Pokémon Exploration.
Despite these incredible stories, the influence of best-selling frachise in the world He never really left planet earth, but he will soon have the opportunity. Through an official tweet that I report at the bottom of this message, we learn that the beloved monsters will soon appear in one Live event on the occasion of the first morning of 2021 and in collaboration with International space stationthat has orbited our world at a distance of over 300 km from Earth for more than 20 years.
What do you think of this event? Would you like to participate? write it in the comments. I also remind you of the recent question about how right it is to catch a Legendary Pokémon.
2020 年 12 月 31 日 ())) 大 み そ か の 夜 国際 SSS ISS) S IVE IVE IVE IVE IVE IVE IVE IVE IVE IVE
– (@Pokemon_cojp) ポ ケ モ ン 公式 ツ ツ ッ @ (@Pokemon_cojp) November 25, 2020
宇宙 を 舞台 に し た ポ ケ モ ン と の コ ラ ボ レ ー シ ョ ン ン お 楽 し み
Ps わ し く は こ ち ら! https: //t.co/1dh4U4esen # 宇宙 か ら あ け お お # 宇宙 の 初 日 の 出 #KIBO pic.twitter.com/gDOnfRled8