On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Kagiji Kumanomata, Oyasumis Maoujouthe second promotional video of the project was revealed. The video shows that the series is scheduled to premiere next October 5th and shows a fragment of the opening theme entitled “Kaimin! Anmin! Suyarisuto Seikatsu ”, played by Inori Minase.

For his part, Kumanomata began to publish the manga in the magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday from the publisher Shogakukan in May 2016. The publisher published the fourteenth compilation volume on April 16 and the fifteenth on July 17.


  • Inori Minase as Princess Syalis.
  • Yoshitsugu Matsuoka like the demon lord Tasogare.
  • Kaito ishikawa like the demon cleric.
  • Hiro Shimono than the hero Akatsuki.
  • Rikiya Koyama like Majiro, a porcupine.
  • Kouichi Souma like Frankenzombie.
  • Masashi Yamane like minotaur.
  • Shinya Takahashi as Goblin Serf.
  • Chikahiro Kobayashi as Red Siberians.

Production team

  • Mitsue Yamazaki ((Dumbbell nan-kilo moteru?, Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Doga Kobowith the support of Sumie noro.
  • Yoshiko Nakamura ((Kabukibu!, Hiiro no Kakera - The Tamayomi Princess Saga) is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.
  • Ai Kikuchi ((New game!, Dumbbell nan-kilo moteru?) is responsible for the character design, with Chiaki Nakajima as a character sub-designer.
  • Yukari Hashimoto ((3-Gatsu not a lion, Osomatsu-san) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.

Oyasumi's Maoujou summary

Pssst! Princess Syalis tries to sleep well. A long time ago, when humans and demons coexisted, of course not in complete harmony, a demon king kidnapped a human princess and locked her in his castle. Undressed, the princess's subjects kept thinking of a solution ... until the hero shows up to lead the princess's rescue mission!

What should an imprisoned princess do while she waits for her knight in shining armor? Bat wing teddy bears aren't bad, but their cell is so boring! Then she will decide to spend the long hours sleeping, if only she could be comfortable ... if only she doesn't have insomnia ...

Source: Comic Natalie

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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