In addition to these artworks dedicated to the ending of One-Punch Man, the work of Mangaka One, an animator, is the JC Staff Studio shared a short video on Twitter about a drawing of Garou's character.
You can see the 30 seconds long video at the end of the news posted by @jumpaoki on the famous social network. Fans of the manga and the famous anime series could therefore watch the work of the designer who recreated it Garou character Show the different steps involved in creating an illustration of this caliber. The animation studio staff actually did a sketch of the character's body first, to which he then added the properties that make it up make it instantly recognizable, like the famous hair and wrinkles on his face, finally highlighted the points of light and shadow in the illustration.
The video was quite successful with over a thousand likes, while the numerous fans of One hit man They asked the illustrator to create tutorials dedicated to the characters in the series. Conceived by One, the manga has become one of the most famous works in the world of Japanese comics over the years, as evidenced by the large number of cosplays dedicated to the characters of One-Punch Man.
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- 青木 (@jumpaoki) January 23, 2021