The first encounter between Saitama, the Protagonist of One Punch Man, and Garou, one of the most brutal of humans who longs to become a monster. Years later, the two have finally met again in the recent chapters drawn by Yusuke Murata. The mangaka puts all his skills to the test for this fight.

The duel between Saitama and Garou also continues One Punch Man 164 which, however, also leaves a little space for other characters on the first few pages. In fact, the survivors on the dinghy manage to come across Pig God who was found floating on the water. Then it’s back to the battle of the two strongest of One-Punch Man, with Garou using both strength and speed to punch his opponent, but it was all in vain. The technique and number of attacks with two additional pairs of arms also had no influence.

This is how Garou uses his creativity and uses it with a powerful attack hurls Saitama to the center of the planet, creating a shock wave that deforms the earth and causes tremors on the other side of the globe. Perceiving this distortion was also Blast in another dimension, but he instantly recovers and returns to face his enemy along with a group of warriors.

Meanwhile, Saitama seems indifferent to what’s going on and He knocks Garou away with a volley of heavy blows, nearly knocks him over. The human monster appears to have surrendered and is convinced he is dying, but Saitama takes him to a nearby ruined house and persuades him to talk. What future will Garou hold in One-Punch Man after suffering a devastating defeat?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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