For several months in the chapters of ONE PIECE there was talk of a certain character, whose roots are almost completely unknown. This Yamato was also at the center of an important goal of a group and could change the story of the arch of Onigashima that is being held between the pages of the manga of Eiichiro Oda.
From several chapters, as you will remember, i Tobi Roppo are looking for Kaido’s son, order given by the emperor on King’s suggestion. Anyone who finds him and brings him in front of his father without injuring him can try to defeat one of the three calamities to gain his place. Who’s Who and Sasaki immediately got involved, as well as Page One and Ulti.
In chapter 983 of ONE PIECE, the two brothers met Luffy in the building and started to fight, but there was just nearby Yamato, Kaido’s son, who suddenly pounces on Ulti with the same attack that his father used against Luffy in the capital of flowers. Yamato then takes Luffy under his arm and takes him with him, stating that he has been waiting for him for some time.
Yamato comes with a hannya mask and chains on his wrists, which could also be made of agalmatolite. In addition to this, he carries on his back a spiked club similar to that of his father Kaido. What will the appearance of this character lead to the world of ONE PIECE? To find out, we will have to wait at least two more weeks as ONE PIECE will be on break.