The popularity of ONE PIECE it exploded not only because of the undisputed qualities of the paper work, but also thanks to the quality of the animated adaptation, which can reach a much wider audience.
If Toei Animation did a good job of bringing Eiichro Oda’s pirate epic to life, it would be unfair To give voice actors no part of the credit for the success of the cartoon.
In the past hours the voices of Luffy and Usopp – Mayumi Tanaka and Kapi Yamaguchi – They shared a photo on Twitter that shows them together while wearing the now-indispensable protective mask for conducting synchronization sessions.
The picture message with caption celebrates the anniversary of ONE PIECE Day. This was the 23rd anniversary of the manga on the Weekly Shonen Jump website. The manga is a real institution of the magazine and few other titles have managed to approach it numerically. The thought obviously goes to Demon Slayer.
One often wonders how it will be possible in the future to replace a movement of the ONE PIECE caliber, which is essential for the balance of Shonen Jump. In recent years we’ve seen interesting titles – Chainsaw Man, Act Age, Jujutsu Kaisen are an example – but none of these seem to share the crazy creative ambition of a title like ONE PIECE. able to tow the magazine and kidnap the hearts of readers for over 20 years.
Akainu from ONE PIECE gets a new number for over 400 euros. ONE PIECE, My Hero Academia, the rest of Jump: Here is the calendar of the August breaks.
7/22 ワ ン ピ ー ス ス の 日
– 山口 勝平 (@ENma_Dororon) July 22, 2020
今日 は み ん な あ り が と う!
記念 日 だ か ら,
真弓 さ ん と 息 止 止 め
.撮 っ た よ ー ^^ 💦