The fifteenth feature film dedicated to ONE PIECE is coming to Japan soon. The story planned by Toei Animation and Eiichiro Oda will be a little different than usual this time, with some reveals about Shanks, Kaiser and one of the most mysterious characters in history. but ONE PIECE: RED will also be much more quiet.

Luffy will reunite with a childhood friend, young Uta, who could also be the film's enemy. For now, you can get an idea of ​​what will be in the film from the trailers, although there are many mysterious points that will only be discovered by those who go to the cinema. In the meantime, given the nearness of the Japanese market release, they were released two new promotional posters for ONE PIECE: RED.

The first is dedicated to Luffy, who accompanies the two main characters of the film, Shanks and Uta. Father and daughter occupy the top half of the poster while behind them is Elegia and the stage on which the girl will sing. there The second poster, on the other hand, is entirely devoted to the Mugiwara with their punk rock style, prepared for the occasion. All black with leather gear, they will dress for ONE PIECE: RED as previously shown.

Don't miss the latest released ONE PIECE: RED trailer.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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