On the official site of the “Kyoto Arch” series based on the manga written and illustrated by Nobuhiro Watsuki, Rurouni KenshinIt was announced that production of the musical’s performance tour has been completely suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The musical was scheduled to take place in Tokyo between November 3rd and December 15th.
In the announcement it was noted that the director Shuuichirou Koike and the musical sponsors came to the decision after numerous meetings, and in the end both parties decided to prioritize the safety of the audience, cast and staff.
Teppei Koike He was supposed to play the protagonist of the story, Kenshin Himura. Shuuichirou Koike, who wrote the musical in 2016, Takarazuka and the 2018 piece based on the same title would have returned to direct and write the script for this new musical.
Rurouni Kenshin Synopsis
Kenshin Himura was a subordinate assassin of the Empire during the war that ended the shogunate and established the Meiji government. After killing countless people, he vowed never to kill again. Ten years later, he settles in a derelict dojo to be caught by a gang of thugs linked to the opium trade. Your oath will be tested when your past enemies threaten your loved ones.
Source: Comic Natalie
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