Naruto is one of the most popular anime and manga franchises in the world. Created by genius Masashi Kishimoto, the ninja conquered everyone in the early 2000s thanks to a story that was as adrenaline pumping as it was deep. In 2022, the Naruto anime turned 20 years old, and because of that, some juicy news is expected.

One of Naruto’s strengths is undoubtedly being very thick fan shop. Characters, trading cards, collaborations with many global brands: the franchise leaves nothing to be desired. For the latest collaboration between Naruto and Yahiko Kishimoto, he created a special illustration that once again shows the closeness and attention the author brings to his work.

I’m very popular in Japan and especially in Tokyo pop up shop. They are special types of shops that are set up all over the city for an event or to sell a specific product and then disappear again in a very short time. It will be one in Tokyo from October 14th to 27th Pop-up shop dedicated to Naruto.

The pop-up shop appears to be geared towards a formal dress, as we can see from the image posted by @ on TwitterA3_Event. In it there are the protagonists of Naruto dressed for a big event, among which it definitely stands out Gaara with her burgundy suit and sakurawith her very pretty dress adorned with a cherry blossom motif.

The products offered in the temporary shop are not yet known what they likely will be exclusive and limited. It is a pity that such initiatives are not so popular in Europe, as they could be taken very seriously by many collectors.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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