This year, the Naruto anime has reached its 20th anniversary, for which an official website was opened. The work of Masashi Kishimoto has captured huge audiences over the years, and it goes without saying that the opera’s 20th anniversary celebrations have been a real commitment to fans.
To celebrate the milestone, of course Naruto He has already thought about creating a huge merch that will soon be commercialized from the Naruto pop-up stores in Tokyo. However, besides making its own products, Naruto has also chosen to collaborate with other brands and create limited and exclusive collections.
This week the collaboration between Naruto and Mont Blanc, brand of pens and leather objects of extreme luxury. In the picture below in this news you can see two pieces of the collection, a pouch and a handbag made of leather with red details and the imprint of Naruto and Kakashi. You can also find belts, pens and other leather goods on the Montblanc website.
Unfortunately, Montblanc products are extremely luxurious and reserved for an affluent clientele: just remember that the Naruto collaboration piece costs less €80 and it’s a notepad, while the most expensive is the watch out €1,490. However, the price includes the guarantee of a very high-quality product that the German brand has been able to build up over the years since it was founded in 1906.