My Hero Academia 5 has finally started and after an initial recap we saw some events that will disrupt the future of the series. Let’s see what happened to Deku.

During the new episode, we were initially referred to the terms of Endeavor Battle with the NomuLater in My Hero Academia 5, the Hawks’ secret mission and its connections to the Union of Villain were revealed to us. When attention is returned to Yuei High School, the protagonist returns to show himself and is involved in a specific event.

boy suddenly wakes up in an empty room. He is almost completely covered with a dark substance and does not seem to be able to speak. Along with him there are also some figures among which we can only clearly recognize Nana Shimura, the one who passed One For All to All Might. The other characters appear in a single color and at least two of them are completely unrecognizable. However, it is easy to understand that they are previous users of the quirk now controlled by Deku.

While the boy is trying to understand what is happening, he soon sees pictures through which he becomes aware of the appearance of the first owner of One for all and from the origin of power itself.

What do you think of what happened? Let us know yours with a comment.

While you wait for the new episode of My Hero Academia 5, here’s a preview that anticipates the new challenge for the protagonists.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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