It was one of the most anticipated anime of 2021, and today it finally made its debut: we’re talking about the fifth season of My hero academiawhose first episode seems to have received rather positive feedback from fans.

Episode 5×01 In action together! Class 1-A! landed on screens today, and although it was an original episode, much of the footage was not taken from Kohei Horikoshi’s manga, The enthusiasm of the audience increases by leaps and bounds for what most felt was a return to style for the My Hero Academia anime.

“”The first episode of season five of My Hero Academia was absolutely fantastic. I missed this show so much. The end of the episode left me speechless“wrote someone on Twitter.

“”I just want to say that season five got off to a good start and I have to wait a whole week now [con l’hype] for the next episode #MyHeroAcademia“said someone else, complaining about thatinevitable waiting between one episode and another.

“”Since it was the start of season five this week, they gave us an introduction. But the characters were really fascinating! Cant wait for the #MyHeroAcademia main story arc to begin“then remarked another user while There are those who have remained pleasant from the reopening “”I love the new opening! #MyHeroAcademia # MyHeroAcademiaseason5“.

And what about the brief appearance of perhaps the most popular characters in the upcoming narrative arcs? Dabi and Hawks?

Well, “Andiamoooo I love itoooo #MyHeroAcademia“is”I think I speak for everyone when I say we waited almost a full year to see Dabi in this scene #myheroacademia“Surely, effectively sum up most people’s response.

And you, what did you think of her? first episode of the fifth season of My Hero Academia? Let us know in the comments.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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