On the occasion of the Free Comic Book Day, which is dedicated to the X-Men, the Marvel comics presented a new project by the writer Tom Taylor and the artist Iban Coello, known as “Dark Ages”. The slogan of the series is “Where were you when the lights went out? A saga of the Marvel universe”.
The story seems to be about a mysterious seismic activity that cut electricity across the city. The teaser shows the presence of Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and Captain America, but it’s pretty clear that other heroes from the Marvel universe will also be involved, as the brief summary suggests.
The strange source of energy that is decommissioning the city’s telecommunications also affects Tony’s technology, especially the components of his hyper-technological suit. The narrative backdrop in the metropolis of New York has a strong post-apocalyptic nuance.
On the other hand, Tom Taylor is a particularly good writer for this kind of story. We mainly remember the DCeased seriesin which the DC heroes bumped into a zombie apocalypse.
It will therefore be interesting to understand how his narrative style can now influence the Marvel universe. Dark Ages is expected to arrive in fall 2020and at the end of the article you can see the preview sequences published by the House of Ideas.
What do you think of this new project at first glance? Share your opinion in the comments.
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