On the official page for the animated adaptation of the light novels Majo no tabitabi ((Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina) the cover and the contents of the second Blu-ray / DVD BOX volume of the project were revealed.
This pack will be released in Japan on February 24th and will contain the seventh through twelfth episodes of this adaptation as well as an illustration brochure and a few other benefits. The Blu-ray version costs 19,800 yen ($ 190) while the DVD version costs 17,600 yen ($ 169). It is worth mentioning that the first Blu-ray / DVD BOX package will be released in Japan on January 27th.
On the other hand, light novels by Jougi Shiraishi and illustrated by Azuru are published by the seal GA Bunko from the publisher SB Creative since April 2016. The publisher published the fifteenth volume on December 10th in Japan.
The piece inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. C2C, Headed by Toshiyuki Kubooka and scripts from Kazuyuki Fudeyasu, released October 2020 in Japan. A special announcement of this franchise is expected on January 31st during the “GA FES2021 ~ GA15th Anniversary Veranstaltung” event.
Synopsis of Majo no Tabitabi
In a certain place there is a traveling witch named Elaina. As a traveler, she has met many people and countries as she continues her long, long journey. A city that only accepts wizards, a muscle-loving giant, a young man who wants to reconnect with his deceased lover, an abandoned princess in a ruined city, and the witch’s story will be intertwined with everyone.
The witch meets incredibly strange people and makes wonderful memories together. Even now she cannot help but be shaped by encounters and farewells all her life..
Source: official page
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