The Franchise Kuroko’s basket was born a manga spokon (or connected to the world of sports), written and drawn by Tadatoshi Fujimaki. In 2008, he made his debut in Weekly ShΕnen Jump magazine, while the animated adaptation produced by Studio Production IG landed in Japan in 2012.
2022 therefore marks the 10th anniversary of one of the most popular basketball anime series in the world. In fact, two Kuroko’s Basket 10th Anniversary illustrations were released earlier this month. Instead, the franchise’s official YouTube channel released a special music video featuring unreleased clips from the anime and a new song by the band GRANRODEO Phone call "zero step".
The 10th anniversary celebrations started in April and will last until March 2023. The project has already borne fruit various initiatives for Kuroko's Basket, like an anime show that premiered in Tokyo and Osaka. Or like the new official store that opened in Ikebukuro in April.
In case you missed it, our review of Kuroko's Basketball Last Game, the movie on Netflix that closes the story Tetsuya Kuroko, ready to read. Maybe the perfect time has come for a remake!
From one to ten, let us know how excited you were about this commemorative video!