The series appeared between December 2008 and September 2014 Kuroko’s basket was a huge hit with readers and basketball fans and enjoyed widespread popularity thanks to Production IG’s animated adaptation, which reached a major milestone celebrated with two unreleased illustrations.
That sporting genre has always been able to establish itself in the vast manga catalogue, both for the messages and experiences it narrates and for the ability of some authors to photograph specific historical periods, as in the case of Rocky Joe. However, many proverbs often reach their best and most expressive form in the animated transpositions, and this is the case of Kuroko’s Basket, a series that has done so 10 years from initial publicationdated April 7, 2012.
To commemorate the beginning of the Seirin team’s sporting adventure, animation studio Production IG shared with a post reported at the bottom of the page, two commemorative illustrations dedicated to Tetsuya Kuroko and Seirin-Ass, Taiga Kagami. And what do you think of the special artwork for the anime’s 10th anniversary? As usual, tell us in the comments.
Finally, we remind you that the movie “Kuroko’s Basket” is on Netflix and we leave you the details of the one-shot story by Tadatoshi Fujimaki.
– Shonenleaks (@shonenleaks) October 2, 2022
New illustrations for the 10th anniversary