On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima, Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Hire a girlfriend) various illustrations were shared to celebrate the airing of the seventh episode of the second season (nineteenth episode overall). The first was conducted by Kanna HirayamaCharacter designer of the project.
The designer also shared some animation sketches:
The author Reiji Miyajima He also shared a variety of illustrations to be given out as visiting benefits during the franchise's upcoming presentation in Japan:
Finally, the cover art of the first Blu-ray compilation pack of this second season, containing episodes 1 to 3, has also been revealed and will be released in Japan on October 26th:
This second season has been broadcast in Japan since July 1 and has been confirmed by the platform with a total of twelve episodes crispy roll takes care of sales in the West. Reiji Miyajima Manga release started Kanojo, Okarishimasu through the magazine Weekly ShΕnen Magazine by Kodansha Publishing House in July 2017.
production team
- Kazuomi Koga (Rainy Cocoa, Welcome to Rainy Color) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios TMSentertainment In cooperation with studio comet.
- Mitsutaka Hirota (Anime-Gataris, Nanbaka, The Prince of Tennis II) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
- Kanna Hirayama (Yakusoku no Neverland, Sword Art Online: Alicization, Maou-sama, Retry!) is responsible for character design and animation direction.
- HYADAN (One Punch Man, Kuroko no Basket, Baka to test for Shoukanjuu) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.
Summary for Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Kazuya Kinoshita is a 20-year-old college student who has a wonderful friend: the brilliant Mami Nanami. But suddenly not anymore. Without warning, Mommy breaks up with him, leaving him heartbroken and lonely. To ease his pain, he hires a girlfriend through an online app. His partner is Chizuru Mizuhara, who manages to win Kazuya's affections with her matchless beauty and cute demeanor. But after reading similar experiences from other clients Chizuru has had, Kazuya is sure that her caring personality and warm smile were just an act to play on his heart, and he gives her low marks.
Angered, Chizuru criticizes him for his shameless hypocrisy, revealing his true temperamental personality. However, this one-sided exchange is interrupted when Kazuya discovers that his grandmother has broken down. They run to the hospital and find Kazuya's grandmother already in good condition. Confused by Chizuru's presence, Grandma asks who this girl might be. Spontaneously, Kazuya introduces her as his real girlfriend, forcing Chizuru to play the role. But with Kazuya still anchored to Mommy, how long can this difficult client and his reluctant rental girlfriend keep up their act?
Font: Official Twitter account
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