The manga of JoJo’s bizarre adventure, a work by Hirohiko Araki published for more than thirty years, is read by a large number of enthusiasts. Let’s see how one of them wanted to pay homage to a character from the series.

The stories of the mangaka follow the numerous events and struggles in which the members of the mangaka were involved Joestar family and the different characters that come in contact with them. They struggle with the standing powers, spiritual manifestations that use special abilities to get their opponents into trouble. One example is the Brick Free From ability Jolyne Kujo, Protagonist of the sixth part of the manga, Stone Ocean, who is able to do so Turn your body into threads this allows her to defeat enemies in a variety of ways.

An animated implementation of Stone ocean has not yet been announced and the hopes of fans are on JoJo’s big Bizarre Adventure event, which will take place in April. Nevertheless, the homage that an enthusiast has impressed on his body is dedicated to the female protagonist.

In the photo below on the news, we see a on the shoulder of the Reddit Crypktor user tattoo Representing Jotaro Kujo’s daughter, who is ready to take on any challenge.

What do you think about it? Leave us a comment below.

Finally, I am reporting on a fan trailer for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure – Stone Ocean.

My Jolyne Kujo tattoo from @ peko.tattoer (IG) from r / StardustCrusaders

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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