The sixth generation of Jojo's bizarre adventure opened in Japan in January 2022 with the Japanese viewers being introduced to Jolyne Kujo, daughter of Jotaro and new protagonist, as well as the first wife for the work of Hirohiko Araki. However, Netflix subscribers could see everything in advance.

Jojo Stone Ocean debuted on Netflix in December 2021, a month earlier than in Japan, in a choice almost unbelievable both for the functioning of the streaming portal and for the classic mechanisms of distribution of souls. However, after these episodes there was no sign of a sequel. When will the new episodes of Jojo: Stone Ocean be released on Netflix??

The series will be very long indeed considering the number of chapters in the Stone Ocean manga. Expected to be similar in length to Vento Aureo and Diamond is Unbreakable, that means Netflix will have to add dozens more episodes in the coming months. The when is still questionable, as David Production seems to have had trouble preparing the anime, not to mention that it is not yet known if all Jojo Stone Ocean will be aired back-to-back in Japan.

However, based on the current information, it is possible to make a prediction new series of episodes on Netflix between March and April. Depending on the state of production, the streaming giant could decide to bring the times forward again over the Japanese broadcast, or support this time.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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