Voice actors Kappei Yamaguchi (Inuyasha in Inuyasha) and Satsuki Yukino (Kagome in Inuyasha) indicated through their respective Twitter accounts the confirmation of their return in the new project of the franchise. Although his posts, in fact, did not mention the title of the new anime. Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (Hanyou no Yashahime), they do mention that it will be in a project of the franchise “already announced”.
犬夜叉 に 決 ま っ た よ っ て 報告 を 受 け た 場所 が コ ナ ン の パ ー テ ィ 会場 だ っ た か ら 、 ホ ン ト は
「や っ た ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー っ !!!」 っ て 叫 び た か っ 、 平静 を 装 っ て
「そ う で す か (• ̀ω • ́) b キ ラ ー ン ⭐️」 て な ク ー ル な リ ア ク シ ョ ン を 取 っ て し ま っ た ^^ 💦# 犬夜叉 の 思 い 出 # 半 妖 の 夜叉 姫
– 山口 勝平 (@ENma_Dororon) June 8, 2020
事務所 か ら 犬夜叉 、 決 ま り ま し た 」っ て 連絡 が 電話 切 っ 後 も も 感 な く 直 に ん み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み み みわ れ た 時 に 、 俄 か に 実 感 が 湧 い て 来 て 、 受話器 を 置 い て ガ ッ ツ ポ ー ズ し た。
# 犬夜叉 の 思 い 出 # 半 妖 の 夜叉 姫
– ゆ き の さ つ き (@ 2011yukino) June 8, 2020
For its part, the series will premiere in Japan in the fall season this year. The Korean developer Hammer Entertainment released the game Inuyasha – Yomigaeru Monogatari for devices iOS and Android on March 5 in Japan, being the first smartphone game in the franchise, however, this installment did not feature voice acting, so it cannot refer to the “new project” that the actors mention.
Production team
- Teruo Sato is in charge of directing the anime in the studios Sunrise.
- Katsuyuki Sumisawa is in charge of writing and supervising the series scripts.
- Rumiko Takahashi takes care of the main character designs while Yoshihito Hishinuma (Yakitate !! Japan, Shinjuku Private Eyes) is in charge of adapting these designs to the animation.
- Kaoru Wada (Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo) is in charge of the composition of the soundtrack.
Yashahime Synopsis: Princess Half-Demon
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha’s daughters set off on an adventure that transcends time!
In Feudal Japan, the half-demon twins Towa and Setsuna are separated during a forest fire. While desperately searching for her younger sister, Towa finds a mysterious tunnel that transports her to modern Japan, where she is found and placed in the care of Kagome Higurashi’s brother, Sota and her family.
Ten years later, the tunnel connecting the two eras is reopened, allowing Towa to rejoin Setsuna, who has now become a Youkai Killer in conjunction with Kohaku. But the worst thing is that Setsuna seems to have lost her memories and no longer recognizes Towa.
Now joining Moroha, Inuyasha’s daughter, and Kagome, the three of them will travel between two eras in an adventure to recover a forgotten past.
Source: ANN
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